In phase II of #makelawbetter, hundreds of you joined the movement

    to create a database of legal innovators, and to bring your experience, expertise,

    and energy to navigating the coronavirus crisis.


    The database of #makelawbetter innovators as of April 2021 lives in this spreadsheet.


    As we navigate our way to the other side of the COVID pandemic, it's time for #makelawbetter to evolve.


    Very soon, we'll be sharing about the next phase in our evolution to #makelawbetter through

    innovation to realize justice for all in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.


    In the meantime, you can sign up here for updates, or shoot me a line — see 👇 for Twitter and email.


    And, follow along for #makelawbetter news, where we share about the amazing work of #makelawbetter community members.


    Cat Moon

    #makelawbetter provocateur

    Director of Innovation Design @ Vanderbilt Law

    @inspiredcat | c.moon<at>vanderbilt<dot>edu


    21 April 2021

  • news from the front lines of legal innovation

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    an open, collaborative experiment to support and facilitate innovation across the legal spectrum